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英國大學(xué)essay代寫范文:British university museum

文章來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理??文章作者:Australiaway論文網(wǎng)??發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-02-27 11:19:22 ??瀏覽次數(shù): 次??字?jǐn)?shù):6085 字??文章關(guān)鍵詞:essay代寫

文章導(dǎo)讀:下面為大家整理一篇優(yōu)秀的 essay代寫 范文-British university museum,供大家參考學(xué)習(xí),這篇論文討論了英國的大學(xué)博物館。英國的大學(xué)博物館涵蓋了從考古學(xué)到動物學(xué)等各個(gè)專業(yè)領(lǐng)域,每年...
  下面為大家整理一篇優(yōu)秀的essay代寫范文-British university museum,供大家參考學(xué)習(xí),這篇論文討論了英國的大學(xué)博物館。英國的大學(xué)博物館涵蓋了從考古學(xué)到動物學(xué)等各個(gè)專業(yè)領(lǐng)域,每年都吸引了數(shù)以萬計(jì)的參觀者。英國的大學(xué)博物館與普通博物館相比,往往在專業(yè)上更具優(yōu)勢,獨(dú)樹一幟。英國的大學(xué)博物館是教育、文化和大學(xué)學(xué)術(shù)的精華所在,也是大學(xué)發(fā)展的動力源泉,在幫助大學(xué)轉(zhuǎn)化學(xué)術(shù)研究成果、組織實(shí)施教學(xué)活動、豐富拓展學(xué)生體驗(yàn)、樹立大學(xué)國內(nèi)外形象方面發(fā)揮著重要的作用。同時(shí),作為旅游景點(diǎn)和文化目的地,英國的大學(xué)博物館也在當(dāng)?shù)氐慕?jīng)濟(jì)和社會生活中作出了突出的貢獻(xiàn)。
  The core reason for the UK's creative industry to gain an edge in the fierce global competition lies in the continuous input of excellent creative talents.British university museums have a long history.They always attach importance to the realization of educational function and emphasize that museums serve the needs of university teaching.In the age of creative economy,cultivating students with problem-solving ability and knowledge transfer ability is the primary goal of talent cultivation in British universities.Therefore,British universities often provide or simulate various real scenes for students in daily teaching,so that they can learn and master various knowledge and skills in an immersive way,which is to advocate the so-called experiential teaching model.University museums provide the best practice environment for the development of experiential teaching.In recent years,many experiential teaching activities have been organized and implemented in universities and museums across the UK,which have accumulated many successful experiences for the cultivation of creative talents.
  Britain has a very special and important position in the history of world museums.In the middle of the 18th century,the British collector Hans Christian Andersen wrote a book on the subject.The decision to create a national museum came after Lord Sloane donated nearly 80,000 of his collection to the British royal family.On January 15,1759,the British museum,one of the four major museums in the world,was established.It was the first large public museum in the world.British universities and museums have a longer history,which can be traced back to the establishment of ashmolean museum in Oxford University in 1683.It is the first museum with modern significance in the world,and the oldest university museum in Britain and the world,more than 70 years earlier than the British museum.
  More than 100 university museums in England,Scotland,wales and Northern Ireland are open to the public,according to the university museums association's web site.Of these,university museums in England and wales account for only 4%of the total number of museums,but 30%of the designated national collections.In Scotland,just three universities have 14%of the national collection.
  Among the university museums in Britain,the ashmolean museum at Oxford University,the Manchester museum at Manchester university,the fitzwilliam museum at Cambridge university and the hunterian museum at Glasgow university are the largest and best known.In addition,there are a number of small but distinctive university museums in the UK,covering various fields from archaeology to zoology,which attract tens of thousands of visitors every year.Compared with ordinary museums,university museums in the UK tend to have more advantages in major and develop their own style.
  British university museums are the essence of university scholarship,education and culture,as well as the driving force of university development.They play an important role in helping universities to transform academic research results,organize and implement teaching activities,enrich and expand student experience,and establish the image of universities at home and abroad.At the same time,as a tourist attraction and cultural destination,university museums in the UK have also made outstanding contributions to local economic and social life.
  Collection,research,exhibition and education are regarded as the four traditional functions of museums.With the development of economy and the change of times,the educational function of museums has been paid more and more attention,which has gradually become the main mission of museums.At the end of the 19th century,George Brown Goode,an American scholar,believed that museums should be the main body to enlighten the public,calling for the abandonment of traditional museums and the restructuring and transformation of them from burial grounds for antiques into nurseries for ideas.According to the American museum classic"museum in the new century"published in 1984,if the collection is the heart of the museum,education is the soul of the museum.If school education is formal,museum education is more informal.In its influential"excellence and equality",the American association of museums points out that the experience of visiting museums can not only cultivate the ability of the citizens of the world to live in a pluralistic society,but also help them find solutions to the challenges they face.These are educational experiences in a broad sense.
  At present,all countries in the world are committed to giving play to the educational function of museums as an important means to enlighten people's wisdom and improve their cultural quality.Universities as the cradle of cultivating high-quality talents,are using their own resources advantages in professional,teaching and scientific research,to build a batch of distinctive university museum,to facilitate the interaction between university and the public,cooperate with the university teaching and research practice,to make the university museum at the university of gradually developed into a new laboratory and creative hub.German philosopher Kall Jaspers pointed out in his book the university concept that"a real university must include academic teaching,scientific and academic research,and creative cultural life.Museums play an important role in all three aspects.
  In the early 19th century,many of the collections of British university museums were used for teaching,which formed the teaching principles of geology,drama and other disciplines.Nowadays,with the development of creative industry and the rise of creative economy,British university museums are playing an increasingly important role in the cultivation of creative talents.




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