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文章導(dǎo)讀:下面Australiaway小編為大家整理一篇優(yōu)秀的 essay代寫 范文- The infiltration of moral education in Britain,供大家參考學(xué)習(xí),這篇論文討論了英國(guó)的滲透式道德教育。英國(guó)是一個(gè)非常注重教育的國(guó)家...
  下面Australiaway小編為大家整理一篇優(yōu)秀的essay代寫范文- The infiltration of moral education in Britain,供大家參考學(xué)習(xí),這篇論文討論了英國(guó)的滲透式道德教育。英國(guó)是一個(gè)非常注重教育的國(guó)家,尤其是針對(duì)未滿16歲青少年的道德教育更加凸顯出滲透式的特征。英國(guó)的滲透式道德教育,它根據(jù)學(xué)生的生理和心理發(fā)展特點(diǎn)設(shè)置道德教育的課程、編寫道德教育的教材,把道德教育滲透到各學(xué)科和社會(huì)教育之中,實(shí)行情景化的道德教育,在日常學(xué)習(xí)、游戲和生活中培養(yǎng)學(xué)生良好的道德品格。
  A British education scholar once said:"throughout British history,morality is more important than knowledge,and faith is more important than information.Thus,the success of moral education is directly related to the success or failure of a country's educational mode.Britain attaches great importance to education,especially the moral education for teenagers under 16 years old,which highlights the characteristics of infiltration and lifestyle.So-called,life of moral education infiltration type,is based on the characteristics of students'physical and psychological development set up moral education course,write the moral education teaching material,put the moral education infiltration into various disciplines and social education,to change situation of moral education,in the daily learning,games,and raises the student good moral character in the life.
  Moral education in Britain is often designed according to the characteristics of students'psychological development,focusing on strengthening students'moral cognition,and gradually training students'moral ability and cultivating students'moral concepts from the outside to the inside,namely"respect for people,justice,rationality,honesty and trustworthiness".Its characteristic is moral education lies in social practice.
  First of all,moral education courses should be taught in an entertaining way,and students should be encouraged to actively participate in the practice and consciously accept moral education,so as to purify their minds and internalize morality.Moral education courses in the UK are designed according to the physical and mental characteristics of children in different age groups.The purpose is to enable students to gradually understand the real world and the problems they may encounter in the process of growing up,and to know how to deal with the relationship between people and between people and society.
  Take"personal social health education course"as an example,the teaching purpose of this course is to advocate a healthy lifestyle,so that students can improve their life skills,expression ability,thinking ability,interpersonal relationship and moral cultivation.For children aged 5 to 7,they should learn to set simple goals,listen to others,cooperate with others,and respect the differences and similarities between people.For children under the age of 14~16,let them learn in many occasions formally introduce themselves,understand the health hazards associated with alcohol,drugs,learn to look at early sexual behavior and pregnancy,to understand the nature and importance of marriage,understand the value of the parents and the family life,peace treatment method of dispute,prevent crime,and so on.
  In addition to strengthening the education of"British history"and"British society",Britain also focuses on voluntary activities and charity activities,and actively organizes students to participate in social services,so that students can purify their minds,cultivate civic awareness,improve moral quality and form a good social atmosphere through practice.The British council of youth regularly organizes members to volunteer for community environmental projects,or to visit mental hospitals and nurseries,among other things.Through this kind of good civic education,students can understand the rights and obligations of citizens and freely choose a valuable life.
  Secondly,through the moral education teaching material carries on the moral education and the moral education infiltration to the student.The moral education textbooks and related moral education books in the UK mainly take reality as the subject matter.The content is highly targeted,especially practical,and the form should also conform to the characteristics of age,so that students can master various life skills and form good moral qualities.
  For example,the textbook lifeline,used by middle school students,asks a series of questions:what happens when someone starts a fire?A boy invited a girl he liked to watch a movie.Who should pay?Why is that?To guide students to discuss and make judgments.The purpose is to make junior high school students learn to care about and develop a thoughtful lifestyle,and guide students to deal with various problems that may arise in life.
  And for the use of primary school students"starting line"is a series of sound slides.The textbook includes 40 difficult moral questions,covering all areas of society and life issues,such as smoking,racial discrimination,death,marriage and family,etc.On this basis,through teachers and students to explore the way to guide students'moral reasoning to a higher stage of development.
  Britain has also published a large number of guidance books and picture books to support moral education in schools,such as"moral education CARDS"and"children should be helped to make moral decisions".The pictures of these books for teachers,students and parents are concise,vivid and thought-provoking.It can be seen that the editors are trying to break the thinking pattern and let children know the difference between good and bad.
  Finally,moral education is combined with various disciplines and social education.For example,history is a core course of British secondary schools,mainly teaching the historical development process of British politics,constitution,culture and other aspects.Through learning,students not only understand the historical development process of rights and obligations,but also cultivate their national consciousness and moral consciousness.For another example,the mass media and social science communities in the UK often jointly conduct surveys on the status of civic moral education,and then make the results into programs and columns to trigger people's discussion on social moral issues,so as to enhance people's moral awareness.
  Visiting museums is also an important part of moral education in British primary and secondary schools.All public places in Britain are free to visit.There are more than 200 museums in London,such as the national gallery of London,Churchill's former residence,nightingale memorial hall,Westminster parliament building,science museum and so on.These places show the material civilization of the UK,publicize the history and cultural values of the UK,and are important moral education bases.
  It can be seen that the moral education in Britain does not require students to memorize some moral codes and norms,but to create various opportunities for teenagers to understand some truths from the depths of their hearts and from daily study,games and life.

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